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Quick Feedback


Quick feedback

We understand not everyone will want to comment on each part of the draft Stamford Hill Area Action Plan (AAP), but we are keen to understand your views on whether overall the AAP addresses the key issues and the opportunities for Stamford Hill.

Please respond below to help us better understand your thoughts on the priorities for the draft Stamford Hill AAP.

For more information about the plan and a short summary take a look at the 'about the Stamford Hill AAP' section.

We will be holding two physical drop-in events in January 2022. If you would like to speak with officers about the AAP please do join us, details of these are below:

Monday 10 January 2022, 11am-3pm at the Lea View House Community Hall, Springfield Road, E5 9DX

Saturday 15 January 2022, 3-7pm at the Sainsbury’s forecourt (outside 1 Amhurst Park, N16 5LW)

This engagement phase has finished

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