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About the Stamford Hill Area Action Plan


Since 2015 we’ve been working alongside the Stamford Hill community on the Stamford Hill Area Action Plan (AAP) – a dedicated planning document for Stamford Hill.

The draft Stamford Hill Area Action Plan aims to:

  • provide specific guidance on how new developments and changes to local spaces can be made, reflecting the unique circumstances of Stamford Hill
  • help to overcome the challenges the area faces, now and in the future
  • ensure that changes in Stamford Hill benefit the local community first.

Over the last five years we’ve undertaken extensive engagement with thousands of local people and different local organisations and developed a draft Area Action Plan that draws on what we've heard are the key issues and opportunities and puts forward policies and guidance to address these for the next 15 years. 

Draft Stamford Hill Area Action Plan

You can download the full draft Stamford Hill Area Action Plan here:

A summary document can be downloaded here.

Have your say

As you go through the website, you will see that we ask you questions about each key element of the draft Area Action Plan (AAP).

The tiles cover each key element including:

  • general policy topics (which apply to the whole plan area)
  • development sites (opportunity sites)

Click one of the tiles below to get started. Please explore and comment on as many tiles as you like and add your comments using the form contained in each box.

Alternatively, you can also download the full draft Stamford Hill Plan here and email us feedback at or call xxxxxxx. 

The deadline for responses is 31st January 2022.

What's next?

We will read and analyse every comment you make and your comments will help us to develop the final draft Plan (Proposed Submission Version) which we will further consult on in summer next year.

This engagement phase has finished

Some people making comments


A person happy and a comment icon
